From 1998 to the 2008 Financial Crisis, that was a harrowing journey. The mission was to prevent a global economic collapse, and it was an epi fail. Our team became broken people, demoralized, because American banks with their Chief Bank Regulators at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), were so careless with America's Money, and more importantly our trust.
Recovery involved damage control especially for our youth. From building special schools to try and educate homeless students, to college graduates living back at home in basements or on their parent's couches because they couldn't find work.
Even worse than broke, a Nation drowning in debt. Someone once said, "There's nothing worse than being broke."
"Oh yes there is. Some people are so in debt, they're having to fight their way up, to even scratch the bottom of broke."
The barbievBoA website cost me a lot of work I didn't have time for, and a lot of money I didn't have to spare. Finally though, we were waiting anxiously for fall of 2014 for the book release.
Then in August, by one very brief conversation, I realized a horrible truth. It wouldn't be the end of the story. It would be the beginning of new trouble for people that had an expectation of privacy, and moreover, a right to it. Decades of being chewed up in the steel machinery of ruthless government and businesses that had allied themselves against the American people was traumatic enough. The book would have prevented many from healing, that had experienced the malevolence first hand. It was just time to stop talking about the past, and it will never be forgotten by the people who lost everything, anyway. So yes, I killed the book in 2014.
Now 10 years later, America is facing new problems.
And 2025 began rocked by an evil that has left many wondering, has the world gone mad?
Or did we the people, abdicate too much responsibility to a government for some things that was actually our own obligations, to do for ourselves?
There's an old Appalachian mountain saying about there's no sin in being poor, but there is for being dirty. Now with so many homeless lacking basic access to hygiene, and these snakes in suits that seem almost obsessed with cleanliness, it might be time to rethink what being dirty actually means in 2025. Beyond a tidy house, car or clothes , what role does mental and spiritual purity play in our next decade?
Trust seems to be broken almost irretrievably in many areas of life , this 2025 year.
It just might be time to explore again that old pillar of faith "Holiness Unto the Lord" , reexamine if removing it from our modern lives, has brought back ancient problems. And might even be necessary so things stop collapsing under more stress, less support.
When Cleaning Our Hearts and Minds Can Save Us From Ourselves 🎤❤️🎤
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